The Manor ProjectLimited edition gin This project was a collaboration between Daffy's gin and the Manor Racing Formula One team. A limited edition gin and range of cocktails was created specially for the racing team. The Daffy's logo was redrawn to incorporate a racing suit and laurel wreath. New swing tags were also created for the bottle [...]
Daffy's GinThe Goddess of Gin Bottle Robert McGinnis (born 1926) is the artist behind the film posters for Barbarella, Breakfast at Tiffany's and many of the James Bond films. Master Distiller Chris Molyneaux approached him via a letter to his house in Greenwich Village, New York and asked if he would be interested in creating the [...]
SnowgooseHarmony Springs album I had always wanted to work on an LP sleeve and as fate had it, Anna Sheard approached me one day and asked if I would help with the artwork on a new album. The story began when Anna was heard singing in her kitchen by friends and word spread. Jim McCulloch [...]